We now have RSS, tags, multi-language and a cooler design!
RSS is essential for a blog. The guide on the 11ty website could help me to bring it to this site. You now also see a link to the feed on the social link area in the header. So you can subscribe to my posts now if you want to. ✨
BTW, I tested several RSS reader lately and I became a big fan of Feeder. It also has a pretty useful browser extension.
When I brought all posts from WordPress to 11ty, all tags could survive. I now also integrated them to the site! You now see them linked on the top of article links and on the top of the article itself.
Client-side translation
Most of the posts's content is written in German. Only the more recent articles are in English. Tags can also be helpful here. All posts in English are tagged with english and all in German with german.
My goal is to present the best possible experience, but also to keep the tech stack as simple as possible. The primary language on the UI now is English. But when the user's preferred language is German, JavaScript will translate the UI. The actual text in the blog posts will stay as it is.
Design updates
Most important new component is Dark Area. You can see at the footer, but also on the post's cover image on the top. Dark Area uses a combination of CSS classes to have a completely black background and the content before and after has rounded corners. I like it, on full screen it gives somehow the illusion as if the screen were splitten.
Next steps
- Improve the home page